

import Dialog from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/Dialog";
title="Are you sure you want to log out now?"
primaryAction={<Button type="critical">Log out</Button>}


dataTeststringOptional prop for testing purposes.
idstringSet id for Dialog
renderInPortalbooleanOptional prop, set it to false if you’re rendering Dialog inside a custom portal, defaults to true
descriptionReact.NodeOptional description of the main action that Dialog performs.
illustrationReact.NodeOptional illustration of the Dialog.
primaryActionReact.NodePrimary and required action that user can do with the Dialog.
secondaryActionReact.NodeOptional, secondary action that user can perform - possibility to close the Dialog most of the time.
lockScrollingbooleantrueWhether to prevent scrolling of the rest of the page while Dialog is open. This is on by default to provide a better user experience.
onClose() => void \| PromiseCallback that is triggered when the dialog is closed.
titleReact.NodeThe title of the Dialog - preferably the purpose of the main action.
maxWidthnumberSet max-width for Dialog