All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
19.4.0 (2025-02-13)
Bug Fixes
- Select: remove duplicate label content for better accessibility (b3d9dcd)
19.3.1 (2025-02-04)
Bug Fixes
- Tile: heading level is no longer enforced in TileHeader (b8c0f81)
- Revert “feat(Card): refactor component for improved accessibility” (f81b569)
19.3.0 (2025-01-30)
Bug Fixes
- Popover: popover content closes on ESC key press (868a501)
- Stepper: add ariaLabel, ariaLabelledBy props (137e5b0)
- StepperStateless: add ariaLabel, ariaLabelledBy props (741087e)
- Switch: add aria-label and aria-controls props (332114b)
19.2.0 (2025-01-23)
Bug Fixes
- Accordion: inherit border-radius to prevent overflow (3675529)
- Accordion: make SectionFooter’s border radius 3px (8ff85ba)
- Accordion: restore white background (d2d5638)
- Modal: ensure Modal has rounded bottom corners on larger viewports (92a01ef)
- OrbitProvider: some whitelabel tokens were not being applied correctly (d1f5682)
- Card: refactor component for improved accessibility (a693640)
- NavigationBar: allow for transparent background when at the top of the screen (df64db1)
19.1.0 (2025-01-16)
Bug Fixes
- NavigationBar: adjust padding size for mobile (4c47213)
- Separator: ensure label is centered vertically and horizontally (3a1ea96)
- Collapse: set a11y attributes and props (20cce9b)
19.0.0 (2025-01-09)
Bug Fixes
- InputGroup: propagate the label prop as an aria-label attribute to child components (f051373)
- Separator: ensure width doesn’t collapse to 0 in flex containers (9c4e6b2)
- Box: remove deprecated borderRadius values (6d76a67)
- Box: remove deprecated elevation values (6ff4962)
- Box: remove deprecated spacing values (50f080e)
- CountryFlag: add role prop for accessibility customization (96d57b0)
- ErrorFormTooltip: remove inputSize prop (032b223)
- HorizontalScroll: remove deprecated spacing values (b1913ce)
- Icon: rename UserSingle to UserSingleLight (e4d0abc)
- icons: update icons from figma (98a83e8)
- Inline: remove deprecated spacing values (e1c2c33)
- InputField: add ariaLabel prop (1bf0bb9)
- InputGroup: remove unused size prop (3382797)
- LinkList: remove deprecated spacing values (b436acb)
- remove deprecated left and right util functions (68bb285)
- rename exported breakpoint tokens in mediaQuery util (3bdabb4)
- Select: add ariaLabel prop (7a81bed)
- Separator: remove deprecated spacing values (c48162a)
- Stack: remove deprecated spacing values (7c01c8b)
- Tabs: remove deprecated spacing values (c2198a5)
- these functions were deprecated and are now removed.
- tokens no longer start with
. They’re now simplybreakpoint-
- Stack: deprecated spacing prop values were removed.
- Tabs: deprecated spacing prop values were removed.
- HorizontalScroll: deprecated spacing prop values were removed.
- Separator: deprecated sideOffset prop values were removed.
- Inline: deprecated spacing prop values were removed.
- LinkList: deprecated spacing prop values were removed.
- Box: deprecated margin and padding prop values were removed.
- Box: deprecated borderRadius prop values were removed.
- Box: deprecated elevation prop values were removed.
- Icon: UserSingle icon is now named UserSingleLight, with no visual changes
- ErrorFormTooltip: This prop was effectless and it is no longer available.
- InputGroup: This prop was effectless and now is no longer meant to be used.
18.2.0 (2024-12-19)
Bug Fixes
- TooltipPrimitive: tooltip now closes on pressing ESC key (d7243e5)
- AccordionSection: add expandOnTileClick for mobile-first (160ba28)
- NavigationBar: add ariaLabel prop (934d5d5)
- Popover: add ariaLabel, ariaLabelledby props and focus state (e815138)
18.1.1 (2024-12-12)
Bug Fixes
- Accordion: remove white background for Header and Footer (29957bc)
- HorizontalScroll: adjust arrows visibility when component is overflowing (1d998e9)
18.1.0 (2024-11-28)
Bug Fixes
- TooltipPrimitive: remove redundant role attribute (0322d91)
- Separator: add label prop (09ea7fe)
18.0.0 (2024-11-21)
Bug Fixes
- Seat: id was not being applied to SeatLegend (cebf4c6)
- Checkbox: remove readOnly prop (47706f1)
- Heading: add role and level conditional props (995ceca)
- Radio: remove readOnly prop (6d6b95c)
- Seat: add aria-labelledby string prop (1483f4c)
- Seat: change type of label and price props to string (cee5c2a)
- SeatLegend: add aria-label string prop (3f7da74)
- Seat: remove default values from title and description props (290bf21)
- Seat:
props now only accept string. They no longer accept ReactNode - Seat:
props no longer have default values. They can be manually set with text to be announced by screen readers. - Checkbox: readOnly prop no longer available. Use disabled instead.
- Radio: readOnly prop no longer available. Use disabled instead.
17.2.1 (2024-11-07)
Bug Fixes
17.2.0 (2024-10-31)
- icons: update icons from figma (46debcd)
- icons: update icons from figma (506b8a1)
- NavigationBar: add bottomStyle prop with shadow as default (e38078a)
- ServiceLogo: add AirHelpNew (ba05de0)
17.1.0 (2024-10-24)
- Checkbox: add defaultSelected prop and uncontrolled behavior (b4e6f66)
- Checkbox: deprecate readOnly prop. Use disabled instead (1101cf2)
- deprecate
rtl utils functions (5b97a63) - LinkList: add useMargin prop and deprecate legacy (3ac05de)
- Radio: add defaultSelected prop and uncontrolled behavior (221a5a0)
- Radio: deprecate readOnly prop. Use disabled instead (e9327f4)
- replace react-popper by floating-ui (de07d43)
- Stack: add useMargin prop and deprecate legacy (4202c01)
17.0.0 (2024-10-03)
Bug Fixes
- Accordion: spacing with no actions was wrong (255b322)
- icons: add X icon (21a8cba)
- icons: remove ColoredTwitter icon (d039f15)
- icons: remove Twitter icon (879cb0c)
- SocialButton: replace twitter type by X (dbeca13)
- SocialButton: SocialButton’s type prop no longer accepts “twitter”. “X” type is now accepted.
- icons: Twitter icon was removed. X icon should be used instead.
- icons: The
icon was removed. Use theTwitter
icon instead.
16.2.0 (2024-09-19)
Bug Fixes
- Alert: displayed icons for some types were incorrect (b86b3a6)
- ButtonPrimitive: make button text non-selectable (baa1777)
- Checkbox: make checkmark icon always visible for checked state (3faa9b8)
- FormLabel: ensure correct color (21a1ae2)
- Tabs: ensure correct color when not active (3a5bcd1)
- icons: update icons from figma (82b651f)
16.1.0 (2024-09-05)
Bug Fixes
- ErrorFormTooltip: align text and close button (aa0f4fa)
16.0.1 (2024-08-22)
Bug Fixes
- InputSelect: ensure consistent options when titles are repeated (6eb0d75)
16.0.0 (2024-08-14)
- add shadow transformations to codemod (5779fcf)
- Box: add new values for borderRadius prop and deprecate others (3afe158)
- Box: add new values for elevation prop and deprecate others (6102a6d)
- Box: add new values to margin and padding props, and deprecate old ones (5b3b418)
- create codemod for new tokens and tailwind classes (643dcc5)
- Heading: add title0 type (1f79dd7)
- HorizontalScroll: add new values to spacing prop and deprecate old ones (8cb2d2e)
- icons: add 3 new seat light icons (67cd7a8)
- Inline: add new values to spacing prop and deprecate old ones (cb8d86d)
- LinkList: add new values to spacing prop and deprecate old ones (0a60262)
- Separator: add new values to sideOffset prop and deprecate old ones (008317b)
- Stack: add new values to spacing prop and deprecate old ones (a2a207a)
- Tabs: add new values to spacing prop and deprecate old ones (528aa68)
- Heading:
should be replaced bytype="title0"
to avoid visual breaking change.
15.11.0 (2024-08-08)
Bug Fixes
- Alert: adjust styles when closable is true and inlineActions is set (2a9e765)
- icons: add MenuCircle icon (5427052)
15.10.1 (2024-08-01)
Bug Fixes
- InputField: adjust styles when readOnly is true (af858b2)
- InputSelect: adjust styles and functionality when readOnly is true (f84e257)
- SegmentedSwitch: fix border radius in RTL (f10068c)
- Tag: fix padding for iconLeft on RTL (e901a03)
15.10.0 (2024-07-25)
Bug Fixes
- SegmentedSwitch: use blue normal text when selected (e7f9158)
- TextLink: add support for data and aria attributes (b22b858)
15.9.0 (2024-07-18)
- icons: update twitter icon to ‘X’ design (52ae537)
15.8.0 (2024-07-11)
Bug Fixes
- ButtonLink: handle hover state on mobile (f1820c7)
15.7.0 (2024-07-04)
Bug Fixes
- Icon: remove defaultProps in favour of default values (4448925)
- Itinerary: add onExpand and onCollapse props to ItinerarySegment (df0c31b)
15.6.0 (2024-06-28)
Bug Fixes
- Itinerary: add type check for key prop in ItinerarySegmentDetail (fbce4aa)
- ItinerarySegmentStop: simplify useWidth to only keep max value (5a95105)
- icons: update icons from figma (cf12467)
15.5.0 (2024-06-13)
Bug Fixes
- Checkbox: prevent changes on readOnly (7d16638)
- icons: update icons from figma (57833af)
15.4.0 (2024-06-06)
- Radio: update component visually to match latest Figma (4ff0c15)
15.3.1 (2024-05-31)
Bug Fixes
- ItinerarySegment: ensure text wraps instead of being truncated (1cddf73)
15.3.0 (2024-05-23)
15.2.0 (2024-05-16)
Bug Fixes
- Itinerary: clickable area is now more accurate (1c50583)
- ServiceLogo: add GetYourGuideLong logo (ace0a71)
15.1.1 (2024-04-25)
Bug Fixes
- InputSelect: it now filters options when they change via props (681634a)
15.1.0 (2024-04-18)
Bug Fixes
- Modal: overflow now works correctly on large mobile and bigger (6645070)
- ServiceLogo: add Sherpa logo (4c9d318)
15.0.0 (2024-04-04)
- OrbitProvider: replace ThemeProvider from SC by a custom one (db0d8f4)
- remove mediaQueries (8861191)
- remove rtl utils (e76c186)
- remove styled-components dependency (6b1277c)
- OrbitProvider: Styled-Components’ ThemeProvider is no longer used in OrbitProvider. If you still need styled-components capabilities, you should add the ThemeProvider from styled-components to your app and pass it the same theme.
- rtl styled-components utils removed.
- mediaQueries function is no longer available. This was a styled-components util function that is now no longer meant to be used. Tokens and breakpoint values are still accessible.
14.1.0 (2024-04-04)
Bug Fixes
- Icon: icon components props are now correctly typed (33cecc8)
- Itinerary: fix dates alignment in RTL (6034467)
- Itinerary: text now wraps instead of overflowing (482636f)
- Modal: ensure the Modal body can scroll (7b1ac0b)
- Wizard: migrate to tailwind (fe12927)
14.0.0 (2024-03-14)
Bug Fixes
- Modal: fix bottom border radius when isMobileFullPage (4a402f9)
- CallOutBanner: migrate to tailwind (047158b)
- delete BaggageStepper component (74d8f55)
- deprecate toggleUp and toggleDown utilities (fe2ed30)
- Inline: migrate to tailwind (22464a6)
- InputSelect: migrate to tailwind (3b6617b)
- Itinerary: migrate to Tailwind (4628d1c)
- Pagination: migrate to tailwind (c440d74)
- remove deprecated components (277724d)
- Seat: migrate to tailwind (079105b)
- ServiceLogo: migrate to tailwind (357c5fc)
- SkipLink: migrate to tailwind (a2eb45f)
- SkipNavigation: migrate to tailwind (e89fe8c)
- Timeline: migrate to tailwind (6fdc700)
- deprecated components were removed: ClickOutside, Desktop, Mobile and KeyValue
- remove BaggageStepper component
The BaggageStepper component has been removed as it was not being used. Please use the Stepper component instead.
13.1.0 (2024-03-07)
- Coupon: migrate to tailwind (6827ccb)
- Slide: migrate to tailwind (aa55f45)
- StopoverArrow: migrate to tailwind (e676cc0)
13.0.0 (2024-02-29)
- Accordion: migrate to tailwind (b378203)
- Illustration: add FlightChange illustration (b90bcab)
- LayoutColumn: migrate to tailwind (db69d5d)
- ServiceLogo: add AxaWhite logo (3c0b3c9)
- LayoutColumn: removed hideOn prop from LayoutColumn
12.4.0 (2024-02-19)
Bug Fixes
12.3.0 (2024-02-08)
- Icon: migrate to Tailwind (6ac12ec)
- ServiceLogo: add ApplePay and GooglePay logos (4cd14aa)
- Tag: migrate to Tailwind (436d54f)
12.2.0 (2024-01-25)
- FeatureIcon: migrate to Tailwind (0ed3ae6)
- Illustration: add DepartureBoard, DepartureBoardBadge and DepartureBoardLounge illustrations (cae7bd7)
12.1.2 (2024-01-18)
Bug Fixes
- Card: remove loosy equality check for children in CardSection (8eb5e6f)
12.1.1 (2024-01-16)
Bug Fixes
- Itinerary: add overflow:hidden to ItinerarySegmentDetail (c4f2e3c)
- Itinerary: icon sizes were incorrect inside SegmentDetail (7658f45)
- Loading: remove redundant padding and get back icon 20px size (3f17fcd)
- Modal: check if exists (4d33c99)
- Modal: remove modal header transition on mobile (7c10d8d)
12.1.0 (2024-01-11)
Bug Fixes
- Breadcrumbs: remove extra top spacing on mobile (007b1c2)
- Card: border radius incorrectly set on mobile (ed222eb)
- ButtonPrimitive: improve accessibility by using type and role (ca2e5d9)
12.0.1 (2024-01-05)
Bug Fixes
- ButtonPrimitive: add missing flex-auto (70dcfcd)
12.0.0 (2024-01-04)
- remove flow types (336137a)
- deprecated flow types removed. Typescript is the only typing solution supported now.
11.3.2 (2024-01-04)
Bug Fixes
- BadgePrimitive: fix min height (13fa300)
- ButtonPrimitive: add missing shrink-0 and grow-0 (1b1444c)
- ButtonPrimitive: width prop now works as expected (88b5047)
- Itinerary: some text wasn’t truncating properly (e6157ea)
- Layout: get back correct spacing for Card on Mobile (e0d4e50)
- Popover: fix max-height when content has actions (798d7c4)
- TimelineStep: move subLabel below timeline (660387a)
11.3.1 (2023-12-14)
Bug Fixes
- ButtonPrimitive: do not force icon sizes in children (5b865ae)
- Drawer: noPadding should affect only wrapper (11c2ce0)
- Hide: fix “smallMobile” for screens of size 0-320px (af5a84c)
- List: fix ListItem centering bug (ff172eb)
- OrbitProvider: be more defensive when transforming palette colors to RGBA (0209a65)
- Popover: remove redundant max-w-fit class (8247324)
- Stepper: fix disabled background color (4a61be6)
- Switch: cursor not applied on input (edfc88b)
11.3.0 (2023-12-05)
Bug Fixes
- TimelineStep: remove redundant spaceAfter (f6fcd90)
- Timeline: timeline and subLabel height issue (afc018a)
11.2.0 (2023-12-04)
Bug Fixes
- Layout: remove accidental props pass to Grid (e7f47d2)
- List: fix ListItem icon size (6afd3b9)
- Popover: links inside tooltips inside content are now clickable (b7114a6)
- Stepper: fix icon circle accoring to Figma (9411b3e)
- Illustration: add PassportUpdate (e1d021d)
11.1.1 (2023-11-27)
Bug Fixes
- Popover: use useRandomId hook instead of React.useId directly (3b49d18)
- Stack: remove height: 100% for justify and column (c119130)
11.1.0 (2023-11-23)
Bug Fixes
- Breadcrumbs: the spaceAfter prop (87f574a)
- Hide: use native tailwind breakpoint range (39aedd9)
- InputField: add white background (a0b40a8)
- ModalHeader: mobile scroll header background (93efe38)
- Radio: background only on circle, not label (564ee17)
- Stack: do not apply flex styles, when not needed (56983c1)
11.0.0 (2023-11-16)
Bug Fixes
- Card: add missing w-full (552e1d4)
- Card: only capture keys on expandable sections (d536470)
- TextLink: add missing line-height (58079b6)
- update the browserlist in package.json (d692f47)
- ButtonMobileStore: migrate to Tailwind (74b5e27)
- Checkbox: migrate to Tailwind (1e1b944)
- ChoiceGroup: migrate to Tailwind (ee340dc)
- InputField: migrate to Tailwind (37a5719)
- InputGroup: migrate to Tailwind (b4aa75c)
- Radio: migrate to Tailwind (4178852)
- SegmentedSwitch: migrate to Tailwind (5930ffd)
- Select: migrate to Tailwind (5b731ab)
- Separator: migrate to Tailwind (23474b3)
- Skeleton: migrate to Tailwind (dbdd6cc)
- Switch: migrate to Tailwind (5a3f3cc)
- Table: migrate TableBody to Tailwind (0663ffb)
- Table: migrate TableCell to Tailwind (e0b16cb)
- Table: migrate TableFooter to Tailwind (f18a75c)
- Table: migrate TableHead to Tailwind (ef0a54e)
- Table: migrate TableRow to Tailwind (89b9576)
- Table: migrate to Tailwind (3cce4e2)
- Textarea: migrate to Tailwind (14d6abc)
- Textarea: remove size prop (370e768)
- Toast: migrate ToastMessage to Tailwind (fdef9fb)
- Toast: migrate ToastRoot to Tailwind (541336e)
- Truncate: migrate to Tailwind (af04dd4)
- Textarea: Textarea component no longer has the
prop. - Select: Select component no longer has the
prop. ThereadOnly
prop was passed directly to the native HTML select element as an attribute, which is not supported.
The attribute is not supported or relevant to select or input types that …
- Separator: ‘color’ prop now accepts Tailwind classname instead of a token, e.g. ‘paletteBlueNormal’ -> ‘border-blue-normal’
‘indent’ prop renamed to ‘sideOffset’
‘type’ prop now by default is ‘solid’, instead of ‘none’
10.3.0 (2023-11-03)
Bug Fixes
- InputSelect: make root label block (9326e59)
- Loading: use correct font family class (7e53285)
- Stack: flex prop by default false (e68297b)
- BadgeList: migrate to Tailwind (4a28842)
- CarrierLogo: migrate to Tailwind (7fa5aff)
- Collapse: migrate to tailwind (969ac40)
- LinkList: migrate to tailwind (84be8c2)
- ListChoice: migrate to Tailwind (bf449fa)
- Modal: migrate to Tailwind (4dcd634)
- NotificationBadge: migrate to Tailwind (2f2344d)
- Stepper: migrate to Tailwind (e305def)
- TileGroup: migrate to Tailwind (368bc76)
- Tile: migrate TileContent to Tailwind (9e8914b)
- Tile: migrate TileHeader to Tailwind (31151ff)
- Tile: migrate TileWrapper to Tailwind (bf14d59)
10.2.0 (2023-10-20)
Bug Fixes
- OrbitProvider: use style tag directly without useEffect (26a6ac5)
10.1.0 (2023-10-19)
Bug Fixes
- Card: add missing white background (ec18790)
- Dialog: hide scroll bar, but keep scrolling behaviour (73fc50e)
- ErrorFormTooltip: arrow was misplaced (e346e90)
- ItinerarySegmentDetail: fix overflowing content issue (bac87db)
- OrbitProvider: fix whitelables themingissue with css variables (6ee3bee)
- Grid: add classname prop (036eb85)
- Hide: migrate to Tailwind (302e0dd)
- Layout: migrate to Tailwind (26e85ec)
10.0.0 (2023-10-02)
Bug Fixes
- Badge: migrate to Tailwind (1e67630)
- BadgePrimitive: migrate to Tailwind (85de2df)
- Box: migrate to Tailwind (08a68ed)
- Breadcrumbs: migrate to Tailwind (c2c7935)
- ButtonGroup: migrate to Tailwind (2510a42)
- ButtonLink: migrate to Tailwind (8787569)
- Button: migrate to Tailwind (25687b3)
- ButtonPrimitive: migrate to Tailwind (4ea8178)
- Card: remove icon prop (332f58e)
- Card: rewrite to Tailwind (1e19342)
- CarrierLogo: add orbit-carrier-logo class (95eb530)
- CountryFlag: migrate to Tailwind (e054877)
- Desktop: deprecate component (9102bfb)
- Dialog: refactor to tailwind (4f3525d)
- Drawer: refactor to tailwind (b59a328)
- ErrorFormTooltip: migrate to Tailwind (7067f3c)
- FormLabel: migrate to Tailwind (95aaa6b)
- Grid: migrate Grid to tailwind (#3965) (e19c2ae)
- Heading: migrate to Tailwind (8244913)
- icons: update icons from Figma (eabe36e)
- IllustrationPrimitive: migrate to Tailwind (e436905)
- InputFile: migrate to Tailwind (960c846)
- KeyValue: deprecate component (8b30a98)
- List: rewrite to Tailwind (b8790bc)
- Loading: migrate to Tailwind (53aa0df)
- Mobile: deprecate component (24c834c)
- NavigationBar: migrate to Tailwind (70ca749)
- Stack: rewrite Stack to tailwind (401b264)
- tailwind: add bundle classenames for Badge (3874b70)
- tailwind: add minHeight icon classes (bcc0063)
- tailwind: add transparent to available colors (47394c9)
- Text: default value for align is now start (137026a)
- TextLink: migrate to Tailwind (d7697e4)
- Text: migrate to Tailwind (225f29b)
- BadgePrimitive: background and foregroundColor props were removed
- Card: Card no longer has the
prop - Text: align left and right on Text no longer adjust to RTL. Use start or end instead.
- Box: StyledBox removed.
selector should be used
9.3.1 (2023-09-25)
Bug Fixes
- ButtonPrimitive: do not let ‘loading’ prop be rendered in the DOM (a0e6406)
9.3.0 (2023-09-19)
- Illustration: add Damage and Wheelchair illustrations (04c78b6)
9.2.0 (2023-09-18)
Bug Fixes
- ButtonLink: fix incorrect hover backgroud color on primary (fdc4c32)
- icons: update icons from figma (f234800)
- icons: update icons from figma (225f77e)
- icons: update icons from figma (7279080)
9.1.0 (2023-09-11)
Bug Fixes
- Card: header actions are now vertically center aligned (2679f54)
- HorizontalScroll: prevent click to induce scrolling (1eec4d2)
- InputField: show ‘readOnly’ as ‘disabled’ visually (594a642)
- Radio: add visible indication of checked state when disabled (#3970) (8cc1f62)
- Textarea: show ‘readOnly’ as ‘disabled’ visually (68a25bc)
- Wizard: title now renders correctly even without labelProgress (9cd2503)
- icons: update icons from figma (6db1846)
- icons: update icons from figma (0191293)
- icons: update icons from figma (#3971) (1493315)
- icons: update icons from figma (#3983) (69e68e0)
- icons: update icons from figma (#3988) (32febf0)
- icons: update icons from figma (#3993) (1092efd)
- InputField: add defaultValue prop (269928c)
- OrbitProvider: no longer require single child (5aed201)
- Textarea: add defaultValue prop (0da689f)
9.0.0 (2023-08-22)
- abstract away react-uid and remove it from deps (48f1473)
- all components now have use client directive (4b6598b)
- ClickOutside: deprecated (#3960) (8baf829)
- icons: update icons from figma (#3955) (fb2c88a)
- icons: update icons from figma (#3964) (a878b10)
- icons: update icons from figma (#3967) (9686366)
- icons: update icons from figma (#3968) (ed6739a)
- remove deprecated FormFeedback (f84c526)
- remove deprecated InputField (939bf7f)
- remove deprecated InputFile (957f724)
- remove deprecated InputGroup (5a5b37d)
- remove deprecated Select (d590716)
- remove deprecated Textarea (cc971ff)
- update to React 18 (45be262)
- upgrade to node 18 (d7eafbf)
- Wizard: add isCompleted to WizardStep (#3958) (75ab7c6)
- OrbitProvider now requires useId prop for random ID generator hook
- Node version required is now >=18
- remove deprecated InputGroup
- remove deprecated Textarea
- remove deprecated InputFile
- removed deprecated InputField
- remove deprecated FormFeedback
8.1.2 (2023-08-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @kiwicom/orbit-components
8.1.1 (2023-08-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @kiwicom/orbit-components
8.1.0 (2023-08-03)
Bug Fixes
- tokens: fix bundle tokens definitons (#3940) (d275b5b)
- use ForwardRefRenderFunction instead of deprecated RefForwardingComponent (#3941) (a70687c)
8.0.0 (2023-07-28)
Bug Fixes
- InputSelect: clearing the input now clears the selected option (b805837)
- InputSelect: close events and invalid typing (ce9051a)
- InputSelect: hover effect removed from mobile (766a8d8)
- InputSelect: present error and info on mobile (6f888f6)
- InputSelect: spaceAfter was not working correctly (46d4f78)
- Separator: fix background and border issue (#3925) (5ffa0ee)
- icons: update icons from figma (#3927) (51c2f14)
- Illustration: add Ambulance and FlexibleDates illustrations (#3933) (47e8fe8)
- InputSelect: rename emptyStateMessage to emptyState (6a5ade2)
- tokens: migrate to style-dictionary (5029dcf)
- InputSelect: emptyStateMessage string prop is now called emptyState and accepts any React element.
7.8.0 (2023-07-14)
Bug Fixes
- InputSelect: add missing onOptionSelect callback to onKeyDown (e0d351f)
- InputSelect: close after selection (a6f39e0)
- InputSelect: fix ModalHeader padding size (304e7a7)
- InputSelect: keep option selected on second click (0a9fbeb)
- Popover: fix popover overlay bubbling event issue (#3921) (e507e5e)
7.7.0 (2023-07-11)
Bug Fixes
- Box: fix possible color tokens (97d3807)
- TextLink: allow secondary type inside Alert (#3912) (a6193f5)
- InputFile: add multiple attribute (#3918) (9119426)
- Popover: add zIndex property (#3919) (36a8d21)
- ServiceLogo: add KiwiGuarantee logo (#3916) (60e6665)
7.6.0 (2023-06-28)
Bug Fixes
- ChoiceGroup: fix event types (1f1832d)
- ErrorFormTooltip: fix event types (8e85a57)
- FormLabel: fix event types (74e42f2)
- InputField: fix event types (4a3dcc0)
- InputFile: fix event types (7f88332)
- InputGroup: fix event types (9c0ecdd)
- InputSelect: fix event types (6ddddb3)
- Modal: fix event types (f76aee4)
- Radio: fix event types (4f48a4c)
- SegmentedSwitch: fix event types (06a24cf)
- SegmentedSwitch: fix event types (3935db2)
- Select: fix event types (89c413b)
- Select: fix focus styles (6dccd7a)
- Select: long inline label now truncates (17758b4)
- Slider: allow move the slider over current value (8696c1b)
- Slider: range Slider was not updating correctly (7fb5229)
- Switch: fix event types (2897a26)
- Textarea: fix event types (609628b)
7.5.0 (2023-06-23)
Bug Fixes
- InputGroup: disabled state was not visually correct (53a00e0)
- InputSelect: z-index was missing from styles (948574c)
- ListChoice: align icon to the center vertically (b5c022b)
- Slider: defaultValue now updates the slider (62dd911)
- InputSelect: add prefix to Option (bf89e71)
7.4.1 (2023-06-19)
Bug Fixes
7.4.0 (2023-06-16)
Bug Fixes
- ErrorFormTooltip: change font-weight to normal (#3886) (2cb63c7)
- HorizontalScroll: arrows now only display if it’s overflowing (#3882) (115fce2)
- Itinerary: correct cursor is now applied to ItinerarySegmentBanner (#3884) (ff86148)
- Select: adjust height and alignment of Select and Prefix (#3883) (cedc3a0)
- icons: update icons from figma (#3888) (161a242)
- Illustration: add Cancelled illustration (#3887) (3ffe282)
- Text: add extraLarge size (afe2971)
- TextLink: add extraLarge size (6b90277)
7.3.0 (2023-06-13)
Bug Fixes
- InputFile: clicking on icon label no longer triggers the OS input (b81547f)
- InputFile: errorForm tooltip offset (5801e7c)
- ModalFooter: wrap elements in StyledChild only when multiple (#3869) (be1cfe6)
- SegmentedSwitch: errorForm tooltip offset (#3877) (032b93f)
- Select: disabled styles (d1697b1)
- Select: fix Option label type for flow (d541a91)
- Select: inlineLabel and Prefix now work as expected (1fa2c23)
- Slider: value state update was not working correctly (5c7a9aa)
- Wizard: fix missing provider prop (#3875) (6b34b90)
- icons: update icons from figma (#3867) (ecd80ec)
- icons: update icons from figma (#3872) (4465369)
- InputField: add new aria-props (95c35e5)
- InputSelect: new component (e81110b)
- ListChoice: add role and tabIndex props (598de88)
- Modal: add onScroll prop (989e1de)
7.2.0 (2023-05-31)
Bug Fixes
- Alert: change labelClose to accept string only (6c7c53a)
- ButtonPrimitive: change title to accept string only (6d90024)
- Card: change labelClose to accept string only (b11a490)
- Drawer: change labelHide to accept string only (6ff0013)
- ItinerarySeparator: rename imported Props to avoid naming conflict (#3854) (12fca7a)
- Modal: change labelClose to accept string only (5879f55)
- NavigationBar: change openTitle to accept string only (1ce0c9e)
- Pagination: change label types to string (d815e41)
- Select: change type of Option label to string (dc18bed)
- Select: fixed spacing between prefix and customValueText (143abec)
- SkipNavigation: change label types to string (4ad843e)
- Stepper: change title to accept only string (9ce9121)
- Tooltip: change labelClose to accept string only (97a7115)
- Wizard: change labelClose to accept string only (c866ab8)
- Heading: add title6 type (6326b13)
7.1.0 (2023-05-18)
Bug Fixes
- ItinerarySeparator: add type and color props (d73b182)
- Popover: add renderTimeout prop (#3841) (7e242a8)
- Select: add inlineLabel prop (8ad7a1d)
- Separator: add type and color props (b6497a0)
- Tab: add min-width to avoid text wrap (b75ce17)
7.0.0 (2023-04-27)
Bug Fixes
- Alert: change colors for AlertButton subtle (961c6a1)
- Breacrumbs: change goBackTitle to accept React.Node (b1614e6)
- Button: change icon sizes and spacing (050e157)
- ButtonPrimitive: replace current title type with React.Node (e1db0d0)
- Card: add spacing between actions and title (da4e898)
- FormLabel: add margin-left offset (eb0f092)
- SegmentedSwitch: adjust height to match design specs (67dee47)
- Select: change type of label in option to React.Node (a08eb5f)
- Tag: adjust height to match design specs (09aa998)
- Tag: border-radius on responsive (dddf4a4)
- TextLink: fix color on active state (c981604)
- TextLink: fix icon sizes (7161d4f)
- Tile: adjust spacing between icon and content (9e1c83a)
- Tile: adjust title styles (c880ee6)
- Tile: fix border-radius on desktop (5e04164)
- Toast: icon on Promisse Toast was not rendered (#3805) (e50b66f)
Illustration: add type to consts file (#3815) (