To implement HorizontalScroll component into your project you’ll need to add the import:
import HorizontalScroll from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/HorizontalScroll";
After adding import into your project you can use it simply like:
<FirstComponent />
<SecondComponent />
<ThirdComponent />
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
minHeight | number | | | set minimal height |
dataTest | string | | | prop for testing purposes |
id | string | | | Set id for HorizontalScroll |
spacing | Spacing | | “300” | the spacing between children elements |
children | React.ReactNode | ✔️ | | content of HorizontalScroll |
scrollSnap | ScrollSnap | | “none” | set value for scroll-snap-type property |
scrollPadding | number | | | set value for scroll-padding property |
overflowElevation | boolean | | | set box-shadow on sides during scroll |
elevationColor | string | | paletteCloudDark | set box-shadow color. Value must be the name of a color token from the theme. |
onOverflow | () => void | | | callback function, fires, if content is overflowed |
arrows | boolean | | | show arrows |
arrowColor | string | | | set arrows color |
arrowLeftAriaLabel | string | | | set aria-label for left arrow |
arrowRightAriaLabel | string | | | set aria-label for right arrow |
ScrollSnap |
"mandatory" |
"proximity" |
"inline" |
"none" |
Spacing |
"none" |
"50" |
"100" |
"150" |
"200" |
"300" |
"400" |
"500" |
"600" |
"800" |
"1000" |
"1200" |
"1600" |