To implement BadgeList component into your project you’ll need to add the import:
import BadgeList, { BadgeListItem } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/BadgeList";
After adding import into your project you can use it simply like:
<BadgeListItem icon={<Airplane />}>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</BadgeListItem>
Table below contains all types of the props available in BadgeList component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children | React.Node | | The content of the BadgeList. |
dataTest | string | | Optional prop for testing purposes. |
id | string | | Set id for BadgeList |
ariaLabel | string | | Adds aria-label to the BadgeList’s ul element for accessibility. |
spacing | spacing | | The size of the spacing between BadgeListItems. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children | React.Node | | The content of the BadgeListItem. |
icon | React.Node | | The displayed icon on the left. |
iconLabel | string | | Adds aria-label to the icon for better accessibility. |
type | enum | "neutral" | The color type of the BadgeListItem. |
size | enum | "small" | The text size of the BadgeListItem. |
strikeThrough | boolean | false | Whether the text is striked through. |
dataTest | string | | Optional prop for testing purposes. |
type | size |
"neutral" | "small" |
"info" | "normal" |
"success" | |
"warning" | |
"critical" | |
spacing values |
"none" |
"reverse" |
"50" |
"100" |
"150" |
"200" |
"300" |
"400" |
"500" |
"600" |
"800" |
"1000" |
"1200" |
"1600" |